Seeing is believing. Isn’t it? Sometimes.
The physical senses claim to tell us everything that’s real and true – but they often fall short. As I see it, what they observe is a counterfeit of the “big picture” – of what’s true from God’s point of view.
If God is infinite Spirit, and I believe He/She is, then Spirit is going to see things very differently than its opposite, matter. Matter by its very nature is limited and constantly changing, so it reports a material world that is limited and constantly changing. Spirit by its infinite nature is unlimited and changeless, and gives a very different report.
So when I’m tempted to be upset or angry about something or someone, I try to realize that whatever has ruffled my feathers is not the whole story. And that I need to go to God to find out what He/She knows about His creation in order to have the best perspective for finding a solution.
The physical senses claim to tell us everything that’s real and true – but they often fall short. As I see it, what they observe is a counterfeit of the “big picture” – of what’s true from God’s point of view.
If God is infinite Spirit, and I believe He/She is, then Spirit is going to see things very differently than its opposite, matter. Matter by its very nature is limited and constantly changing, so it reports a material world that is limited and constantly changing. Spirit by its infinite nature is unlimited and changeless, and gives a very different report.
So when I’m tempted to be upset or angry about something or someone, I try to realize that whatever has ruffled my feathers is not the whole story. And that I need to go to God to find out what He/She knows about His creation in order to have the best perspective for finding a solution.
When I really follow through this way, this spiritual outlook has the effect of lifting me above the turmoil, so that I can become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
Regardless of the fact that the photo at the top looks like a great tourist spot with a fantastic view of the falls, it's actually a painting on the surface of a flat brick wall. If we run eagerly to see the waterfall, we’ll bump our noses on the wall.
Regardless of the fact that the photo at the top looks like a great tourist spot with a fantastic view of the falls, it's actually a painting on the surface of a flat brick wall. If we run eagerly to see the waterfall, we’ll bump our noses on the wall.
Even though these appear 3-dimensional and real, (and at better resolution, they do!)
they are both just clever paintings.
Pretty, and amazing, illusions.
So when emotions that are not so pretty, roil us up and tempt us to react, it’s a good idea to step back first and find out what’s real. My experience has been that when I ask God what's going on, He/She is always glad to tell me. When I'm willing to subordinate how I think I want to react to what God is telling me, then I can respond intelligently and wisely.
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