May 3, 2009

The Facebook question

Facebook. Is it a time waster? Or simply a new way to keep in touch in our busy world?

It’s interesting to keep up with friends – one in PA directs plays; another in MA writes novels; a retired English teacher has taken up painting; others in CO and CA travel to interesting places and share their photos; a former Sunday School student ran a race in the mountains and is feeling sad because he didn’t place well.

The photos and activities of the teens and twenty-somethings who have let me be their “friend” amaze and delight and sometimes startle me.

If I know what’s going on, I can send a line of appreciation, encouragement, cheer. Or maybe just pray about the "startling" part.

But tonight when a friend wrote, “I’ve been crying,” I picked up the phone and called. I didn’t find out why she had been crying, but we had a good talk.

The jury is still out on the value of Facebook in my life. But it has gone up a notch on my usefulness scale.


Dennis R. said...

Facebook helped me connect with a friend that I lost contact with 35 years ago so it does have its benefits.

Kim said...

I enjoy facebook! But it is important for me to remember - as with any new techie invention who is in control.

Technology does not manage us, but we manage it and in that way it can open up new ways of connection in ways that bless others.

I think this quote from an interview with MBEddy. It gives us a LOT to think about (from Miscellany p. 345):

"But the pursuit of modern material inventions?"
"Oh, we cannot oppose them. They all tend to newer,
finer, more etherealized ways of living. They seek the finer
essences. They light the way to the Church of Christ.
We use them, we make them our figures of speech.
They are preparing the way for us."

Hmmmm.....interesting, yes?

Sandi said...

Dennis, I too have found connections with friends and relatives. Those benefits are delightful.

Kim, I agree control is important; otherwise balance between what's fun and what's important can get out of whack.