That wonderful song of protection, known as the 91st Psalm, sings often in my heart. I like to feel that’s where I live – in God’s house. When I remind myself I live there as a servant, to serve infinite good in any way I can, I feel more comfortable.
This psalm starts:
He that dwells in the secret place of the most HighThis psalm starts:
lives in the shadow (safety) of the Almighty.
A friend gave this a new spin when he said that he likes the idea of dwelling with his "most high" thoughts about God’s universe. As he chooses to think his highest thoughts about compassion, his best thoughts of justice, his finest thoughts about fairness – and lives these as truth in his life -- he finds he reaps the promises of this psalm, almost as a by-product. These promises include protection, safety, courage, steps guided thoughtfully by divine intelligence.

The 91st is a wonderful Psalm for anyone looking for comfort and safety outside themselves, outside the uncertainty of even human help. Maybe it’ll sing in your heart too!
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