A friend in the interior design field believes in prayer rather than luck. Life is not a card game, he would agree. He is usually grinning from ear to ear with some amazing story about how a client needed a certain product that was no longer produced, or unavailable, or some other hopeless sounding theme.
My friend prays to know how God’s love fits into the service he is providing his client. If the answer is to proceed with the unavailable product, he starts making phone calls, and always finds, often in unexpected ways, exactly the amount needed for the job.
This happens not once or twice, but often enough that he sees a law of eternal good operating – not for a special person, or a special business. But a Life-law of good already in place, already active for all of humanity. My friend taps into that law when he prays to be a blessing for his clients and his community. Then he hears the ideas he needs to go forward with the projects he feels God has given him to do.
My friend loves to be of service, making people’s lives more beautiful, more harmonious, more joyful. His life embraces the spirit of Anne Hawks’ simple prayer-poem, comtemporarily reworded:
I need You every hour;
Teach me Your will;
And Your rich promise, Lord,
In me fulfill.
1 comment:
Thanks for reminding us to trust in Life-law rather than the luck of the draw. Following an intuitive sense of direction rather than letting contrary predictions stop our progress is so much more productive in everyday life. And when the coincidences become regular occurrences, you know you're on the right path!
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