A friend just put her condo on the market. In preparation she’s been really sprucing it up. She discovered a special joy by including some mental house cleaning. As she sorted and tossed accumulated books, clothes, other stuff, she also sorted and tossed unwanted thoughts that had cluttered her head for too long, no longer productive or useful. Her mental house sparkled when she finished. Probably her condo is sparkling too! She found this poem somewhere, and sent it along.
Last week I threw out Worry, it was getting in the way.
I brought in goals God-centered, and I’m living these today.
I threw out a book about “My past”-- should have tossed it long ago;
Pages of bad memories, don’t know why I kept them so.
Hate, resentment, anger – Small grungy books tossed out
Bad habits, nothing useful They’d make anybody pout.
I found some spiffy new books too, “I CAN,” “I WILL,” “I MUST.” Threw out “I might,” “I think” and “I ought.” You should've seen the dust.
The doorbell rang, it was my pal, I hadn't seen him in a while.
It was my Father (you know, God) and I really like His style.
He helped me do some cleaning and brought some gifts Himself -
Like “Prayer,” “Hope,” “Faith,” “Love,” – and placed them gently on the shelf.
God brought this special item, it sits just inside the door.
It’s such a treasure - PEACE. So nothing bugs me anymore.
I discarded Worry last of all – there just wasn't any space.
Yes, I've got my house in order. Looks great around the place.
It's good to do house cleaning, you feel so refreshed and new.
As you toss what has no meaning. you realize you’re a happier you.
We should become more familiar with good than with evil,
and guard against false beliefs
as watchfully as we bar our doors
against the approach of thieves and murderers.
and guard against false beliefs
as watchfully as we bar our doors
against the approach of thieves and murderers.
Mary Baker Eddy
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