Dec 25, 2007

Watching boys grow - one day at a time!

A time for reflecting on
unexpected thoughtfulness and caring

Kim, who has raised two, remarked early on with great enthusiasm, “I never knew boys could be so much fun!”

Her sincere joy shocked me to the core. At that time we had a daughter who was predictably feminine —dolls, an eye for pretty clothes, cheer-leading tryouts, boyfriends.

I would have had no idea what to do with a boy. So it was amazing to me that somebody my peer was finding this preschool male experience fun, stimulating, exciting. And her words came back full force when our daughter later presented us (one at a time) with two grandsons.

Yup, little boys in our lives for sure. We figured out what to do with them one day at a time, often following their parents’ lead, and praying a lot as well.

It was important then, and it is important now, to remember that these boys, and all children for that matter, have an infinitely wise and caring Father-Mother who looks after them, gives them wisdom to discern between good and bad, gives them good and productive ideas and the desire and ability to follow through with these ideas.

Case in point. The other day when asked if he felt older, the nine-year-old thoughtfully replied, “I don’t feel older; I just feel more responsible.”

In fact, he really is showing more self-restraint and consideration for others. And no doubt there was a conversation with a parent somewhere behind that statement. Boys grow up in very good ways, day by day.

His second-cousin is fourteen. As I was ready to leave the Christmas gathering this evening, he saw I had too many bags for one trip. “Would you like help carrying these out to the car?” he offered.

“Sure would!” I replied smiling inside and out.

Boys grow up, day by day. And it shouldn’t be amazing, but it is a wonderful thing to see responsibility in the form of thoughtfulness and caring replacing the stereotypes.

I second Kim’s statement of years ago, amended slightly. “Boys are so much fun, and they are amazing as well.”

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