On the corner of 191st and LaGrange Road this morning, drivers honked cheerfully.
A man and woman were working the intersection next to the White Castle. He carried a large sign. She waved at the vehicles. Motorists driving past, honked and waved.
The couple waved back and pointed to those who honked with “Yes!” gestures.
Were they wearing reflective vests? Collecting money for some cause? The usual?
No. That wasn’t it. The sign they carried had a horizontal
M E R R Y, and a vertical C H R I S T M A S.

Somebody exercised their creativity in constructing this reminder, and their good-will in standing on a busy street corner.
It was their counterstatement to the marketing of Christmas, to remember that:
Christ -- God's universal expression of love, peace and goodwill (BTW, not shopping) -- is indeed, as church billboards remind, the Reason for this Season.
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