Dec 22, 2007

Hope fulfilled - even though after Christmas

Cat enjoys winter sunshine
during Christmas season

A friend replied to my email for a blessed Christmas. He wrote that although his wife is no longer here,

It is truly a joyous time for me because of the memories of the good of the past.

Then he included a wonderful story. It happened in the spring, decades ago, and embodies the spirit of Christmas, of hoped for good unexpectedly realized. He continued:

I did not know that we and our relatives were "poor" during the depression of the 1930's. My Dad and Granddad had a three person factory in Rock Island that a man had sold to them on a very friendly basis – no income, no payment.

A fellow from Chicago asked Dad to make a die that would stamp out little 2" x 4" tags that said "HOOVER." It was for attaching to automobile license plates because Hoover was running for President.

When Dad phoned and told him that the die was ready, the man drove down to Rock Island, and picked it up. He paid for the work with a check on the only bank in Chicago that was open.

Dad took the check to the grocery store where Mom had a bill. The grocery store took the check to the Rock Island Argus (newspaper, still exists today) and paid on their advertising bill. The Rock Island Argus took the check to the coal yard and paid on their fuel bill.

That check circulated around Rock Island like cash and many businesses were blessed. The back side of the check was filled with endorsements.

He concludes:
The Christmas "season" is for young people, and their happiness spills over into our happiness. Hopefully we all know what it is really about.

Hopefully we do.

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