There’s the story of the Iowa farmer who year after year won blue ribbons for his corn at the state fair. Finally a newspaper reporter interviewed him. During the interview the reporter was amazed to learn that the farmer shared his seed corn generously with his neighbo

asked why he would do this, since the farmer's neighbors were also entering their corn in the same
The farmer explained that the wind picks up pollen from ripening corn and carries it from field to field.
The farmer explained that the wind picks up pollen from ripening corn and carries it from field to field.
He said, "If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn."
The farmer had no doubt that sharing the best of what he had would bless him as well as his neighbors.
Do you think that’s what Jesus meant when he said we are a city set on a hill, whose light cannot be hid? Light, corn, caring – it’s all the same thing, isn’t it.
It’s about giving our neighbors the best we have to offer. Our best support, our best thoughts, our best hopes for them, our best conversations.
The fact is, it is easier to love and be generous when we are feeling loved and secure. It’s easier to be gracious when we feel God’s grace shining on us like the sunshine on a bright spring morning. The Gospel of John reminds us how loved we should feel as God’s children.
The farmer had no doubt that sharing the best of what he had would bless him as well as his neighbors.
Do you think that’s what Jesus meant when he said we are a city set on a hill, whose light cannot be hid? Light, corn, caring – it’s all the same thing, isn’t it.
It’s about giving our neighbors the best we have to offer. Our best support, our best thoughts, our best hopes for them, our best conversations.
The fact is, it is easier to love and be generous when we are feeling loved and secure. It’s easier to be gracious when we feel God’s grace shining on us like the sunshine on a bright spring morning. The Gospel of John reminds us how loved we should feel as God’s children.
Consider the incredible love
that the Father has shown us
in allowing us to be called 'chilcren of God'
and this is not just what we are called
but what we are!
Phillips translation
the incredible love
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