The lead buffalo are ambushed by a pride of five or six lionesses. They turn and run for their lives. The lions quickly cut a youngster off from the parents and bring it down.
Within moments we witness the strength of unity. The whole buffalo herd -- perhaps 50 strong -- has rallied and challenges the lions. The determined herd approach the lions cautiously (after all, they are meat on the hoof). Yet they are clearly on a mission.
The urgency for a quick rescue replaces caution as individual adult buffalos chase the lions off, one by one. One large bull even gets close enough to catch a lion on his massive horns and toss it into the air – the lion lands on its feet, running. After all but two of the predators had been run off, to everyone’s amazement, the baby buffalo struggles to its feet and rejoins the herd. The herd does not leave until the remaining two lions have been routed.
The age-old question arises: where is God in such a crisis? If we look, we see an amazing momentum taking over, strong elements of intelligence acting to right a wrong.
- Communication. The entire herd understood one of their babies was in a life-and-death struggle. Instantly they responded as one.
- Intelligence. Somehow these animals that look dull and slow to us, became quick, strong, agile, and brave. They acted as one. Their unanimous purpose to rescue the baby was greater than their fear of becoming the next victim.
- Mother love. One of life's examples of mothers ready to lay down their lives for their offspring – both human and animal.
- Father love. One of life's examples of fathers as protectors making things right when their offspring get into trouble.
- Strenth to walk away. When the baby arose to leave the lions, they didn't stop him.
God is found in these qualities of courage, decisiveness, and unity expressed -- resulting in the rescue of the little buffalo.
A mother's affection cannot
be weaned from her child, because
the mother-love includes purity
and constancy, both of which are immortal.
Therefore maternal affection lives
on under whatever difficulties.
A mother's affection cannot
be weaned from her child, because
the mother-love includes purity
and constancy, both of which are immortal.
Therefore maternal affection lives
on under whatever difficulties.
Mary Baker Eddy
Graphic violence makes this a difficult video to watch, and I am not recommending it .
But for those who wish to see the courage of the buffalos, click on the photo below.

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