Jun 20, 2007

Respect for life - even when it's homely

I guess it’s a Chicago area phenomenon, the 17-year cicadas. They have been singing to us, in some areas VERY loudly, for over 3 weeks now.

My friend, Marge, has been teaching her boys respect for life with these small alien things – which have the disadvantage of not being beautiful. They do not hurt people or other animals. They are not skillful flyers. This failing makes them easy to catch, mid-air delicacies for dogs, squirrels, seagulls and anything else that’s hungry.

We peer at each other as these six-legged wonders tickle their way up my arm. Perhaps they do not think I am so pretty either.

The frenzied decibals of the early June mating calls are already diminishing. Soon they will be silent 17-year memories. What’s to be learned from these infrequent visitors?

I think Marge has it right. To give us human beings a gentle opportunity to step away from the fear and arrogance whose tendency is to destroy anything that’s different; to appreciate and value uniqueness; to teach children the fathering qualities of compassion and curiosity, and the importance of protecting the helpless.

The one Spirit includes
all identities.

God is the Life, or intelligence,
which forms and preserves the individuality
and identity of animals as well as of men.

creation consists of the
unfolding of spiritual ideas and their identities,
which are embraced in the infinite Mind
and forever reflected.
Mary Baker Eddy

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