Jun 13, 2007

Applauding manhood

June 17 celebrates Father's Day in the US, and so I want to use this opportunity to applaud all the men in my life.

Not individual portraits -- fun and worthy though that would be -- such a listing would fill many posts. So we'll have to be content to view a collective snapshot.
  • A good sense of humor. They know how to laugh at themselves.
  • They are hard workers.
  • Honest. They are what they seem, and they are comfortable with who they are.
  • Thoughtful and considerate, they are willing to listen when their women need to be heard.
  • They play with their kids, and enjoy their grandkids.
  • Solution oriented, they meet adversity by looking for the way forward.
  • They forgive. They don't hold grudges. This has to be what I am most grateful for, because in any diverse group of people, toes get stepped on. And I've stepped on more than my share. And have been so grateful to have been forgiven every time -- well, so far as I know.
  • Progress. A willingness to let the past rest in the past as everyone moves forward
  • Broad vision. One of the best aspects of manhood -- to see the bigger picture and make decisions on that basis.
  • Generous. That generous spirit that says Yes to new ideas, Yes to spontaneity, Yes to spouse's sometimes outrageous whims.
  • Kind. Ready to lend a hand where there's an honest need.
  • Wise. Discerning when to say yes, when to say no.
  • Community oriented. They participate in the communities of their various interests.
  • Respectful. Though sometimes, perhaps often, amused, they respect women's uniqueness and support their endeavors.
  • Good conversationalists. How I appreciate those sparkling idea-based conversations.
  • Nurturers. They know or have learned how to nurture the best in those around them.
  • Patient with the foibles of the other sex.
These spiritual qualities shine and bless. They define true manhood, and point to their source, the Maker of the universe.

Thanks guys, for being there. Too often we gals gripe and complain about things that usually are not all that important. So when we step back and appreciate your contribution to our lives, we can agree, you're the greatest!

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