The response of the corn to sun and rain can almost be seen as a steady reaching up of joy from a grateful plant. I believe God has a holy purpose unfolding in each of us. Something special, beautiful, fulfilling. It’s a bit like Arthur’s corn. As we appreciate the warm sunshine of His presence, and drink in the inspiration of His love, our special purpose begins to grow and mature. Eddy writes "Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels, and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of a holy purpose in order that the purpose may appear." (Science and Health)
Gratitude for the sunshine and rain, the nurturing and caring from outside ourselves, is itself a prayer. Arthur adds, ”The unfolding of our individual purpose is just as slow and just as sure as the unfolding of the plants in the field and the lambs in the flocks.”
Thank you, Arthur!
thanks for this tender and encouraging reminder of the holy purpose each of us has!
At one time we lived on the Southeast edge of Milan. There was a corn field right behind our house. The neighbor told me to listen that particular night (a real hot, humid one) to hear the corn growing. I thought he was feeding me a line. Well, I was curious enough to go outside that evening and listen. Sure enough, there were pops coming from the cornfield. He saw me out by the cornfield, and came out too. He said, "you didn't believe me, did you?" Another night I had to take my kids out by the cornfield and listen too.
Yes, I can certainly relate to the opening of a bud, as compared to the opening of our thoughts Godward.
Spring reminds me of opening up thoughts too. Everything seems so fresh and forward looking.
When I was a teen I worked on a farm near Fishers, IN, and can remember going into the cornfield on a morning that was already hot but had not yet burned off the low lying fog to pick sweet corn for the farm stand. It was quiet save for the corn talking. I thought about all of God's creation that was expressing itself, all I had to do was listen.
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