Apr 16, 2011

Lives corrected - is rehabilitation possible?

Is rehabilitation possible?  I believe so.

I’ve had the privilege of knowing several inspiring friends whose lives have been transformed.  Their commitment to Christ is humbling.  Among them, an unwed mom who gave up her newborn for adoption decades ago; they celebrated a mutually joyous reunion when he, in his thirties, sought to find her.  By that time her life had taken on a commitment to marriage and family, and she radiated a wise and tender spirituality.

 Tucson sunset - as beautiful as a life corrected?

A newer friend spent 7 years on death row for a crime she didn’t commit.   Since her release she has devoted her hours and days tirelessly to helping women and children in her Englewood community rebuild their lives.

My newest friend did prison time too, for drug and alcohol abuse.  Her reaching out to God came during a period of escape, when God told her to turn herself in so he could use her without her having to worry about getting caught.  Her total commitment to God came, back in prison, as she finished her sentence.  She asked God, “How am I going to keep my sanity for the next 18 months?”  He said, “Write me a letter every day.” 

And she did (write daily letters - of gratitude mostly, and some petitions).  And she did (keep her sanity).  As a side note, she credits her love for Jesus for the fact that she suffered no withdrawal symptoms from the drug and alcohol abuse.  Since her release she's been co-pastor of a church that is dedicated to meeting the needs of a poor Chicago community.

Just as a glorious sunrise promises a fresh and brilliant day, so the bright colors of a declining sun close a day with gratitude.  

Mary Baker Eddy (founder of Christian Science) writes this thoughtful definition,  “A radiant sunset, beautiful as blessings when they take their flight, dilates and kindles into rest.  Thus will a life corrected illumine its own atmosphere with spiritual glow and understanding.”

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