Apr 10, 2011

Hurry home

The Prodigal Son, one of the most loved parables told by Jesus, is a classic. Who cannot relate?

In Jesus' story, a kid takes off prematurely with his inheritance, wastes it all, finds himself homeless and without friends. He realizes that his father's servants are better off than he is. Swallowing his pride he decides to go back home and ask his dad for a job as a servant.

The old man has been anxiously watching the road for months, hoping the boy would eventually return. When he does, the father instantly forgives the son's foolishness, and reinstates him as a valued family member.

The father (in the parable the father would be The Father, God, infinite good) doesn't judge, he just loves. That's the nature of true fatherhood.

Here is Jason Michael Carroll's modern version.

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