Almost-summer is an interesting season.
The heat-absorbing black top warms bare feet as the evening air cools. Boys working together discover how electric circuits can make light bulbs go on and off, and how electricity can make things fly.

The heat-absorbing black top warms bare feet as the evening air cools. Boys working together discover how electric circuits can make light bulbs go on and off, and how electricity can make things fly.

Setting up the disk to fly
Boys play baseball on Park District teams. Some get the idea of teamwork, functioning as a team, sooner than others.
Life is kind of a team sport. When the team wins, everyone wins. In our condo association, for example, minor repairs need to happen on the driveway before it can be sealed for the winter. It’ll be more expensive than simply sealing.
But in the long run, a well-maintained driveway will last longer and require less costly maintenance in the future. Because the association has set aside funds for this in the budget, there will be no special assessments. Everyone benefits.
I help my neighbor weed her flowers. Later in the week, she shares with me a delicious dinner she has cooked. Teamwork. Goodness reciprocated.
Supporting your teammates
After the ball game, all the boys on the team help clean up, collecting the bases, gathering paper cups and throwing them in the trash can. Teamwork. Everybody gets to go home sooner.
Life is about helping one another. With appreciation and reciprocating kindness, everyone wins.
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