May 15, 2009

Home is where you find it

Robin nest on a porch swing

My parents' neighbors were surprised to find their porch swing had been usurped by enterprising robins.

The nest's location indicates that cats no longer prowl the neighborhood. Rules and regulations pretty much keep pets indoors unless on a leash. Evidently the bird family feels comfortable so near humans as well.

Robins are very sober birds. They are quite serious about finding their worms. They fly low from point A to point B, shortest distance. And they are diligent and attentive parents.

I got this shot with my phone (that sounds funny, doesn't it?). Apparently the three babies had just eaten. They huddled quietly and peacefully.

My prayer for this day is that all children feel the safety, comfort, and attentiveness their Maker intends for them. That especially those in war and strife find peace, safety, and shelter.

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