Mar 19, 2011

Gratitude - just a healthy emotion?

The video clip below features a popular motivational speaker.  

Although he doesn't say so till nearly the end, his topic is gratitude.  He identifies gratitude as the most healthy human emotion.

Gratitude is certainly important.  And, if we allow God into the conversation, even as central to the conversation, we discover that the reason gratitude is so important is that it identifies specific good.  Identifying specific good is important, because all that is truly good in our lives originates in God, for God is wholly good.  Whatever isn't good, doesn't come from God. 

Thought open to good has the effect of seeing good multiply.  

For me gratitude includes thanking the Creator for Her generous goodness.  Even in the middle of a crisis, it's possible to discover the activity of good. 

The people of Japan, for instance, are still battling unforeseen and enormous odds.  But let that not overshadow the importance of the calm discipline of its own people, the skill of their own experts, the practical help flying in from all over the world.

For normal events that are not on the scale of global crises, gratitude can play an active and transforming roll at a very local level.  This motivational clip speaks to that kind of every day living.  Even though the speaker doesn't mention the word God, that doesn't keep anyone from thanking Her with a loving life.

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