Dec 5, 2010

Finding Christmas purity

Christmas makes me feel pure.  True, I’ve backed away from nearly all gift exchanges, i.e. commercialism, and that helps immensely.

It begins, perhaps, with Mary’s purity.  Pregnant outside marriage -- a sin worthy of stoning in her culture.  She was comforted only by the angel, Gabriel,  bringing a message of hope and promise.  And dear Joseph.  What’s a fiance to do?  He must have been terribly troubled with unanswered questions -- who has Mary been fooling around with?  Why?  How can I prevent her being put to death by the village? -- until the same angel, Gabriel, brought him in on “the plan.”

So the unwed couple understood at least something of the larger picture as they lived and worked under the accusing eyes of their families and neighbors.

I think of the purity of that night when Mary gave birth in the cave-stable among the warm and gentle animals -- secluded from the hustle and bustle of the Roman census crowds.  It was Rome’s counting of its populace which had brought Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem.

I think of the purity of the shepherds who were tending their sleeping herds on that chill night.  They didn’t argue with their angel messenger that something wondrous was taking place in a cave-stable in the nearby town.  They ran to see.

Then there were the kings, or wise men, riding their camels for weeks or months.  They had to have a purity of focus to stay the course, following a star -- of all things!

And all this purity came together,
in due time, to celebrate Christ here and present.

May the spiritual innocence and joy of genuine Christmas be yours -- all year.

Tradition has Mary riding a little donkey like this one.

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