Sep 28, 2010

Trust the big picture

A mom told me this story about her daughter-in-law -- whom she dearly loves and admires.

Jill was grateful to find a job in her field at the local arboretum.  It was only part-time, but she worked hard, attended to details, made solid contributions, and looked for full-time openings within the organization. 

A great opportunity came along to be assistant to her boss, and Jill applied.  She was devastated when another less qualified person was selected.

What to do?  Was all her hard work for nothing?  Was she not appreciated?  She decided not to go the route of self-pity or hurt feelings.  After considerable prayer she felt it was right to continue expressing helpfulness, willingness, and co-operation and stay in her part-time job.

Unknown to Jill, a grant had been applied for.  When it came through a short time later, the funds allowed her boss to create a full-time position especially suited to Jill’s talents.  Jill was one happy woman!

Usually we can’t see the big picture.  We don’t know where we fit.  The small parts we see sometimes don’t make sense or seem fair.  It’s good to remember that God knows the big picture, She knows where we fit.  Our job is to listen for direction and to do our best.

For somebody else the direction might have been not to stay.  That's where the listening comes in.   It's always fun when the pieces come together in a way that  confirms a decision as a good one.

Children's program at the arboretum

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