Nov 6, 2009

The importance of listening

"Listening, not imitation, may be the greatest form of flattery." Joyce Brothers

To understand people (rather than to flatter them), it's important to listen to them. That's how we learn.

In this world where we feel pressed to multi-task, the fact remains that you cannot really listen to a person and do something else. Everyone needs to feel valued enough to be heard. Children need the full attention of their parents when they are telling them something.

It may take some self-discipline to break the multi-tasking habit. It's worth the effort to value people over the tasks at hand. Just as we want to be listened to, we can find the courtesy to listen to others.

It is a kindness to give our full attention to the people who have something to tell us. It says, "I value you. I respect you. I want to hear your opinion." It isn't necessary to agree with those opinions; it is important to be willing to hear them.

A Turkish proverb reminds us that, "If speaking is silver, then listening is gold."

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