Do you know what Chaplains do? They are out there with the troops, running, marching, doing physical fitness exercises, on the front lines of battle. Unarmed, these dedicated men and women go wherever their soldiers are.
Did you know the United States is unique in providing chaplains for the military? Many countries do not. So in joint exercises allied soldiers are often glad to sit in on US chaplain services.
A couple of Christian Science Army chaplains are making little junkets around the country, explaining their work to fellow church members.
The stories these women tell are of obstacles overcome through prayer -- from preaching to a pack of wild dogs in the desert who lay down and listened attentively before deciding not to have a chaplain for breakfast, to finding the stanima to run regularly with the men, to overcoming obstinate resistance to women in the military.
What stays with me came in the Q&A session after the talk. The question was something like, "How are you as a Christian Science chaplain able to conduct a non-denominational service?"
The answer went beyond the training received in Seminary. "If you have a great love for humanity, you see the holiness in everyone. That's what you connect with."
If you've read this far, you might like to order a book by Kim Schuette, recording the contributions of Christian Science military chaplains from 1917 - 2004. It's a very good read!
The Christian Science Military Ministry: 1917-2004
by Kim M. Schuette
Brockton Publishing Company, Indianpolis, IN
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