Oct 17, 2009

What does it take to succeed?

Lucille Ball
The Beatles
Ulysses S. Grant
Michael Jordon
Thomas Edison
Walt Disney
Abraham Lincoln

What do these people have in common?

Would you believe they were all failures? Each was told they didn’t have what it takes to achieve anything worthwhile. But, and this is important, they persevered and succeeded anyway.

I would disagree with the conclusion at the end of the YouTube in this way. I would say life = perseverance. People succeed because they persevered through adversity.

We could add Bible heroes to the list above. Noah, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, the prophets; Jesus, Peter, and Paul.

They weren’t heroes because they were exceptionally intelligent or bright or great leaders. They succeeded, every one, because they leaned on God as Mind, Truth, and Life, and persevered through adversity to success.

So if life looks bleak to you right now, don't give up. There is a way to go forward. There is a God who loves and cares about you and for you. It's OK to ask that God to show you what to do to be a blessing. I know "blessing" is a bit of an old-fashioned word, but nothing else says it quite so well.

The reason it's OK to ask God to show you how to be a blessing is because it's a life law that in blessing we are blessed. In being a blessing, we find a way to move forward.

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