I love my family. Each person is unique of course, but overall they are kind, caring, unselfish, generous.
For example, my brother-in-law has run for several years now in the Chicago Marathon. While he's running, he raises money for the Crisis Center of Southwest Suburbia. This facility shelters victims of domestic violence on a moment's notice. It's a good organization.
He was disappointed in his performance this year because, even though he completed the race, he got worn out at the 20 mile mark, six miles short of the finish line.
To a runner that may be important. To the rest of us, it is simply amazing.
The way I see it, unselfishness counts in that final six-mile push -- even if it isn't a "personal best."
I love the runners' quote from Isaiah,
"Haven’t you known? Haven’t you heard? The forever God who created the ends of the earth doesn’t faint, never wearies? His understanding is so vast, it can’t be search.
He gives power to the faint; to the weary He gives strength. Even the youths faint, and the young men drop in their tracks.
But those who serve the Lord renew their strength; they mount up as though on eagle’s wings. They shall run and not be weary. Those who simply walk will not faint."
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