Sep 16, 2008

Saturday Night Live, and better

“Saturday Night Live” recently offered a presentation of Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton in a rare joint-appearance blasting sexism in the media.

It was a spoof, of course. The two actresses playing the politicians had a wonderful time. The barbed remarks balanced out, as near as I could tell, amid much cleverness and fun.

Intelligent silliness refreshes these pre-election weeks, while the real campaign ads unsubtly avoid discussing issues by attacking the opponents.

So where does this political muck leave you and me – average citizens chiefly interested in an honest government, in paying our bills and having something left over?

Too many Americans, soured by the mud-slinging, turn their backs on the political process and mentally walk away.

There is an alternative. It involves refusing to become cynical and turning instead to what Christ Jesus described as the Kingdom of heaven within us. He provoked his listeners with the startling statement that the Kingdom of heaven wasn’t out there someplace, but within consciousness.

Jesus lived when the Jewish community was occupied by no non-sense Roman troops. Yet he showed how we can find peace and stability in our lives through discovering God’s goodness and presence – despite economic slumps and political infighting.

Have you ever noticed how refusing to engage in debate, how mentally stepping back and listening for what the one infinite Mind is saying, often transforms or defuses heated words? It’s true.

Next time you encounter an emotional discussion, try mentally extricating yourself and turning to the Maker of the universe for good ideas. God gives us the ability to make this decision, and see more of His/Her present government already at hand.

For more ideas on how to pray about dealing with election exhaustion, click here.

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