even when it's overcast!
In the last post, we talked about buckthorn – that invasive non-native species that clutters up forests in the American Midwest – and how it is a metaphor for whatever would clutter our thinking. All human clutter is non-native to man as God’s loved spiritual idea.
It’s exciting to see the results once that clutter is removed. The most obvious result is light! Light everywhere – to the left, to the right, and in between. With all this light, the forest’s natural beauty reappears. Where underbrush grabbed at your legs a year ago, wildflowers bask in newly discovered space and sunshine.
To push the light metaphor a little further, you and I are not that different from the flowers – insofar as we thrive in the light of our creator’s love for us.
The non-native invasive species of anger, envy, hate, resentment create an unnatural shade in which life becomes a struggle.
It’s exciting to see the results once that clutter is removed. The most obvious result is light! Light everywhere – to the left, to the right, and in between. With all this light, the forest’s natural beauty reappears. Where underbrush grabbed at your legs a year ago, wildflowers bask in newly discovered space and sunshine.
To push the light metaphor a little further, you and I are not that different from the flowers – insofar as we thrive in the light of our creator’s love for us.
The non-native invasive species of anger, envy, hate, resentment create an unnatural shade in which life becomes a struggle.
It takes persistent commitment to remove the over-competitive buckthorn. Also, on the mental and spiritual level, it takes persistent commitment to a God of Love to remove invasive species from our lives, so we can thrive and be as beautiful and useful and joyous as He/She intends.