Jul 10, 2008

Want to stay connected? Try love!

John Templeton was an philanthropist and a shrewd global investor.

In a tribute to this deeply spiritual man from Presbyterian roots, Gary Moore writes in tomorrow's The Christian Science Monitor, “John worked very intentionally to live the spiritual qualities he prized. And while he may have valued reason, prosperity, tradition, and spirituality, he gave top priority to love, the connecting force that holds us together despite our differences – even the largest ones.”

“Love, the connecting force that holds us together despite our differences.”

Don't you love it!

Families are often like that. Siblings and relatives can be totally unlike in their careers, marriage partners, life-styles, their worship, or non-worship. If they weren’t family, they would have little in common.

Yet when they come together for holidays or other gatherings, they come with love that finds expression in respect, appreciation, and warm affection.

And it's true. This kind of love transcends differences. It isn't critical, it doesn't gossip. It isn't resentful and doesn't hold grudges. It keeps busy doing good.

Love is an amazing universal connecting force that flows through generous hearts.

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