May 8, 2008

Joy of music

Third graders on the risers

The grandsons' spring concert was tonight. The tight and efficient format has evolved over decades.

Each grade, K - 5th, sings three short songs.

This year the music teacher jumped light years ahead. Most of the songs were bouncy. Even the kindergartners used hand motions. Each grade addded appropriate dance, rhythm, swing, to their presentations. Everyone went home with singing hearts.

In the words of aTeresa Jennings song from the fifth graders, "Wherever I go in life, whatever I'll be, music will be there for me."

I still remember fun songs I learned in first through fourth grades.

Think about it. Conductors from Japan perform with Chicago and London symphonies - some one hundred musicians playing incredible music with a conductor they have never met before. Conductors from New York make guest appearances in Paris and Sydney - with orchestras they have never conducted before. The notes on the page are a universal language.

Children's choirs travel to various countries. Modern rock and jazz groups play to audiences in countries where they do not speak the native language.

That universal language of music speaks to people's hearts across oceans and generations.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, "Music is the rhythm of head and heart." I think she's right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen!! If everyone sang and/or enjoyed music there would be peace in the world.
Thanks, Sue
PS- Ever heard or watched Andre Rieu and his orchestra?? Absolutely comes across filled too overflowing with joy, harmony and toe-tapping fun. Certainly worth getting his dvd's or cd's even. Dave and I think they are the greatest, most up-lifting.