May 6, 2008

God's love in action

There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit, the same Source, the same Giver. I was listening to these words by Peter Link this morning. He adds insightfully, “These gifts are God’s love in action.”

I thought of the board meeting last night. It’s a good board. I’m happy to be part of it. The members bring many gifts.

The chairman is gracious and orderly, gentle and considerate of others. He bends over backwards to not push his own agenda.

The clerk is gentle and kind, attentive to detail, generous and always willing to help.

The treasurer brings a gentle and willing heart. She is kind and caring.

Karen is a researcher. If something is controversial, she goes onto the Internet, digs into details, background, and shares her findings as well as her own inspiration.

Margie is a peacemaker. If she senses any conflict, she finds the common ground.

Anne loves gardening. It’s her hobby. She brings her common sense about the soil, sun, and rain – what makes healthy growth – to the meetings.

I love the opportunity to see these wonderful qualities, these expressions of God’s love in action, moving the board forward in its purpose to make wise decisions.

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