Mar 14, 2008

The cheetah, the hyena, and the gazelle

In the video below. A hungry cheetah has downed a gazelle to feed her cubs. Before she can complete the kill, a hyena bully, intent on stealing dinner, chases the cheetah away.

What happens next is a happy surprise.

So, if I may draw some obvious conclusions, the gazelle's startling escape reminds us that no matter how bad things look, there is hope.

I mean how much worse could things be? "Gazelle" is the gourmet featured main course of the day. In this case hyena greed and arrogance provide the opportunity for a second wind and escape.

For many people prayer provides a good state of mind for finding the way forward. It's a prayer that listens to (whatever name you call) God -- Allah, the Higher Power, or the Mind of the universe -- for some practical answers.

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