Nov 22, 2007

Giving thanks is good for the heart!

Three times this past year, events happened during the day that weren’t on the radar in the morning when I awoke. Untoward things that had to be dealt with unexpectedly.

Each time I felt buoyed, sustained, tenderly guided by the God I have come to know as ever-present Love.

So at this time of year when in the US we as a nation are invited to literally recognize and count our blessings, I am thankful for all who were, and are, there as a special blessing when their advice or help or presence was particularly needed. I hope they know how appreciated they are.

Beyond my own needs, I am grateful for our men and women in uniform who are sacrificing normal and safer lives at home to answer the call of their country to make peace in difficult places. I pray for their safety and protection, and especially for their ability to use good judgment in making quick decisions in life and death situations.

I am grateful that the infinite Love who meets my needs is already universally and unconditionally present anywhere His/Her children happen to be.

Happy thanks giving as you consider your own blessings!

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