I’ve found it really helpful to lean on God’s love as my first, last, and primary relationship. I lean on Him/Her in the middle of crowds. And when I’m alone it’s always instructive and comforting, and sometimes exciting to listen for the input of universal Truth.
A friend took the initiative to be part of a family. She prayed first to ask God how better to praise and honor Him/Her. She then decided to begin the process of adopting a child from another country. Each step was successful, and eventually she brought her baby girl home. In the several years since she has blossomed by sharing her happiness and humor one-on-one as a single mom.
And if you are already part of a family, appreciate it. Family is special. It’s amazing how far a little honest appreciation and praise goe to make family relations even more pleasant. And if we're looking for them, the opportunities are there.
Man is the family name
for all ideas, — the sons and daughters of God.
Someone sent a great news video of a Canada goose who thinks she's part of a human family. Dan adopted her when she was a fuzzy orphan gosling. Apparently she imprinted on him. She and the beagle and Dan are family. Two and a half years later, she has resisted the call of the wild to stay with her human family. They go boating together, play together, relax together.
1 comment:
What a heart warming article. Its nice to know we are all one family with one Father, Mother God at our head.
I saw the video on the goose. It was delightful. and nice to know that all creatures are part of that one family. Families are special and its nice to be reminded of that.
Thanks again
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