Jul 17, 2008

The gift of giving

Helene's son Kenny on his horse Cowboy
- about 50 years ago

A favorite song by Peter Link says God’s gifts are given generously to each of us. That each of us has at least one specialty: perhaps patience, kindness, generosity, mothering, fathering, teaching, healing. That these gifts are God’s love in action.

He goes on to say that sharing these gifts goes on endlessly, because the giving of our goodness to one another is never done!

Don’t you love this sense of purpose unconfined!

My friend Helene celebrated her 93rd birthday earlier this week. She thought nothing would give her more joy than to have her favorite birthday pie, lemon meringue, surrounded by her best friends. So she prepared two tables with crocheted placemats and her fine china for this select group of women. I was honored to be included as one of four not from her generation.

As we ate, blue jays, cardinals, goldfinches, and hummingbirds provided constant entertainment for those facing the windows.

The conversation was lively and stimulating. At one point I wished I had one of those new Flip camcorders to record some of the local history being recounted.

These vibrant women were gifts to me that day. They included a retired school teacher, a retired business owner, a woman still active in her family business in her ninth decade, a retired mayor, as well as those who had been simply devoted to their families, now grown and flown.

They stay active, interested in their communities and their neighbors. Their lives say they understand that the giving goes on endlessly, because the gifts God has given us are always fresh and new. They never wear out, never deplete, never deprive or compete.

Each of us has our special gifts that need to be shared.

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