Jan 13, 2008


Ever have to go through your papers and do some shredding?

That seems to be the way things are done these days. If you're through with a piece of paper that includes phone numbers or financial information, you shred it.

I'd been doing some email grumping to a friend about having spent recent hours shredding old documents.

She shot back, "
'Mind measures time according to the good that is unfolded.' So think in terms of good unfolding rather than time consumption."

She was referring to part of the definition of "Day" in "Science and Health" a book we both read along with the Bible as a guide for life. the author, Mary Baker Eddy, refers to Mind in this case as God. So my opportunity was to focus more on what this infinitely intelligent Mind was telling me than on the chore.

I really appreciated my friend setting me back on track. And had already reached the conclusion, while sorting through various papers, that to shred the past isn't a bad idea. To shred / dispose of / throw out what is no longer of value, is a good thing. To toss out of thought whatever has become heavy is a healthy thing.

We can come to terms with whatever burden lingers from the past, then let it go.

Like that monkey with his hand in the coconut grasping some unseen treasure, we can let go of the past, be free of the silly coconut, and get on with our lives.

Past good remains. It's constant, timeless, present to make us smile, because it originates in God, infinite good.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

This is a great reminder, Sandi, as I keep juggling acitities that seem to take up so much time. thanks so much!
