Jul 13, 2007

Appreciating men AND women

First it was Polish jokes. When poking fun at cultures became politically incorrect, blonds picked up the brunt of appearing empty-headed. Close after came humor bashing men. Lawyer-knocking jokes still make the rounds. Wit making seniors look foolish enjoys popularity as well.

While I confess to having chuckled at the novelty of each appearing joke group, it dawned on me that bashing people groups isn’t friendly. And, even though some of the jokes are really funny, I don't want to be part of putting others down.

This is because I tremendously value what the women in my life (Polish, blond, and otherwise) share – empathy, concern, wisdom, joy, encouragement, nurturing, honesty, helpfulness, flexibility.

And I love what men bring to the mix – breadth of vision, spontaneity, adventure, quirkiness, humor, dependability, respect, thoughtfulness, generosity.

I have a dear lawyer relative, and his stability, kindness, caring and goodness mean all the world to me.

And seniors -- those gentle, wise, active folks who have been around the block a few times, are always there with help and advice. Even the curmudgeons have marshmallow hearts.

For that matter, I treasure my Presbyterian, Methodist, Catholic, Christian Science, Baptist, agnostic, and other friends whose worship I may not know, for the honesty, cheer, and daily dedication they bring to our relationships.

Since I credit God as the source of all that's good in life, I thank Him/Her for this wonderful variety of people who so enrich my days and years.

I take heart in the diversity with which God expresses His love and comfort for letting us help each other. This world isn’t always an easy one, and we need one another to strengthen our journeys with hope, courage, joy, and the confidence that we each have something worthwhile to contribute.

Keep out of debt altogether,
except that personal debt of love
which we owe one another.
you have carried out all your obligations.
Paul to his Roman friends

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