Jun 21, 2011

Principle as Love?

 Have you ever thought of Principle as Love?   Yes, and harmony too!

This has been a difficult concept for me to wrap my head around.  Principle is strong, tough, laws and rules, isn't it?  How can it also be Love?

 Well, here's what I've been thinking about.  The red light, when people pay attention, keeps crashes from happening.  It allows an orderly flow of traffic to go forward.  There's a sense of justice, or fairness, because everyone gets their turn.  A red light may be no-nonsense, but it is also an expression of Love keeping everyone safe.
Red keeps right ideas where they belong.  No colliding!

Yellow gives a heads-up on change coming

A yellow light warns drivers that their plans are
about to be changed,and they need to make adjustments for that change.   What doesn't change is the constancy of God's love being right here with us, no matter what.

Green signals uninterrupted progress
 It seems all drivers rejoice in a green light.  It signals an uninterrupted segment of our journey.  It announces that it's safe and orderly, for the moment, to go forward towards our intended destination.

God's laws are a bit like the traffic lights, insofar as the lights represent safe and orderly progress.  Yet God's laws, I'm finding, are not optional.  Whereas a driver may run through a red light, in mankind's relation to divine law, we cannot disobey God's intelligent and good purpose for us and make progress.  When God says stop, it's important to pay attention.   There is good reason, whether we can see it or not.

When our intuition tells us to slow down or proceed with caution, it's well to do exactly that, whether or not we understand the reason.

And when we're sailing along, let's remember to be grateful for all the signs of the love and care of this higher power in our lives.

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