Jan 7, 2010

The norm is what we make it

A groomed cross country ski trail
Minoqua Winter Park

It was time to stop for gas on the way home from Wisconsin.  Also lunch. Somewhere north of the Illinois border, I found a Hardees.  I love their charcoal broiled hamburgers -- and haven't seen a Hardees in years.

The hamburger "to go" even had the wrapper thoughtfully turned back so you could eat without worrying about something dropping on your lap - the wrapper would catch the catsup or the crumbs.  Wonderfully simple and thoughtful touch.

I couldn't find the credit card slot at the nearby gas station.  Finally concluding there wasn't one, I filled my tank and went inside to pay.  The smiling clerk confirmed that paying is done inside -- after you have filled your car.

"Do you ever have anyone just drive away?"  I had to ask.

She paused, smiled, and "No."

It felt like another planet -- one where I'd like to live, where a sandwich presentation is thoughtfully designed to help the eater not make a mess, and gas stations trust total strangers.

Taking this feeling of joy and well being a step further, it was a glimpse of the Kingdom of God, I think -- where harmony, honesty, and thoughtfulness are the norm. 


Anonymous said...

i agree with you 100%. thats why i live here. i dont even lock my doors at night. i feel this is really God's country.


Anonymous said...

I love this, and the promise that we are all going in this direction, and will feel ourselves doing so as we open thought right now to these positive changes in action and thought : )

I appreciate your conscious outlook for the good that is going on--including this trip to WI.


Anonymous said...

yes -- well welcome to the land of nice.