Dec 5, 2009

Singing to the best

Peter, Paul, and Mary
Washington DC, 1963

A recent public TV documentary of the folk singers, Peter, Paul, and Mary, provided insight into their popularlity during turbulant times in the USA. But this post is not about revisiting those times. It's about something Mary said.

After many years performing together, they all went home to their families for what they wryly called a "seven year vacation." When they reunited for a California performance, they felt as if they had never been apart.

Then came Mary's profound observation.

She said, as best I can recall, that as singers, you have this ideal vision of who you are and what you'd like to be. She said she discovered that if you sing to that vision of who you could all be, all of you begin rising to that ideal, and you find you are becoming who you could be.

Soooooo, isn't this a basic truth of all relationships? That if we speak to our best vision of who we are and who the other person is or could be, that support is felt and becomes tangible.

And if God is wholly good, and has made men and women in the likeness of Mind, the image of Truth -- then is there any limit to who we could be or the good we could do?

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