Sep 20, 2009

Dear (Deer) Story

This photo story came in a recent email. It seems that after the time of the fires in southern California, two guys set out to go fishing in the Pacific. They spotted something swimming ahead of them.

Yes, is was a deer.

Nearly exhausted, it offered little resistance to being hauled on board their fishing boat.

Safely ashore, the men released the deer.

Some have seen this as a metaphor. Sometimes the thing nearest right to do doesn't look very promising. For whatever reason, the deer felt it needed to jump into the ocean and start swimming. Somehow these fishermen came to the very spot where the deer needed rescuing.

So sometimes when it looks like we can't swim another 10 yards on a course that seemed the nearest right thing to do, God will rescue us (or send rescue) and set our feet firmly on the ground again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

..simply a beautiful story!
thank you, have already sent it to several people.
Glad to see you're back