My friend, Wilma, has a son who was in the Miami-Dade Police Force for some years.
One time after a hard day, he commented to his mom that people today are missing the three "C"s.
- Common sense
- Common courtesy
- Common decency
His astute observation gave me pause.
These qualities are called "common" because it is so obviously the nature of man in God's likeness to express good sense which plays out in respect for oneself and for others.
Lack of these is not natural, should be, in fact, uncommon.
So what can I do about it? I can start with myself, with a little self-examination:
- I can double-check my own words and decisions to make sure they are fair, sensible, and honest.
- I can be more patient and courteous.
- I think decency follows as a natural result of patience and courtesy.
And because it is mankind's nature to desire fairness and courteous and decent treatment at the hands of others, then this is a kind of prayer that the Creator answers in ways each of us can understand.
As we change our habits and behaviors to be more unselfish, we find these changes opening opportunities and paths we hadn't seen before.
That's just the way Life works.
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