Mar 25, 2009

Bible Seminars

I was listening to a CD by Dick Davenport today. Dick is a former Air Force Chaplain who now conducts convention-shattering Bible seminars. He describes himself as an educator on spirituality, the Bible, Christianity, Relationships, and Faith Community.

One of the first questions Dick raised is how do we view God? Is He just a heavy-lifter? A 911 God? Somebody we don't have time to associate with -- unless there's an emergency? In which case we're glad to be able to call for some extra help?

He also pointed out that the Bible is filled with people who are flawed. Yet there was something in each that was willing to let God use them for good. This gives me great joy! Flawed does not equal hopeless.

He added that it is difficult for many people today to wrap their arms around the concept of "Thy will be done." Why, they wonder, would anyone who is comfortable, who can make choices to live a good life, surrender these choices to serve God?

If these ideas peak your interest, you can find more at this link. Click here.

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