Dec 9, 2008

Heart to Heart

Chicago - site of annual
Leadership Prayer Breakfast

Rabbi Sherre Hirsch, author of "We plan, God laughs," was the keynote speaker at the Chicago Leadership Prayer Breakfast last Friday. She’s a young rabbi, wife, and mom. Speaking from the heart is a good way to connect with your listeners, and Rabbi Hirsch succeeded.

Here are some significant conclusions she shared:

What happened after 9/11 was magical: to see people bring their divine light to the world… was absolutely extraordinary… regular people doing what they do... to repair a broken world is the way that we are supposed to partner with God.

Our job is to light up the world and to help other people realize how much they matter, how much they are integral to being a partner in God’s creation – regardless of your title or your pocket

As a young child, I thought to be in God’s image means that I look just like God. Not the case. Being in God’s image means to carry that spark, to hold that spark and to know that it is my task in life to light and repair the world.
She made delicate reference to the terrorist killings a couple of days earlier in Mumbai, India where two rabbis and their wives were among the victims.

For a compassionate and informed comment on that tragedy, I refer you to the following link. Here Eboo Patel, whose Interfaith Youth Core also made a presentation at the Prayer Breakfast, opens his heart.

So our prayers too can embrace the families of those whose lives have been forever changed.

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