Aug 27, 2008

History in the making

Respected news host Jim Lehrer
in Denver

I wasn’t planning to watch much of the Democratic National Convention in Denver. I turned it on mostly so I could say, Yes, I watched some of it.

Yet as Jessie Jackson, Jr. gave his speech, it dawned on me. This is history! Perhaps more than any other convention in America’s short life.

Tuesday evening featured the first woman in our country who has had a clear shot at the White House. While she didn’t get the nomination, she came close. Really close.

Simultaneously we have the first African-American with a clear shot at the White House with the nomination of the Democratic party. Whether he is elected to the presidency remains to be seen. But someone who is not traditionally white stands at the threshold.

That these two people are where they are represents the best of democracy in action.

I’m not happy about opposition bashing – from either party. It should be obvious that you don’t make yourself bigger by pounding the other guy down. Even though the bashing has so far been light-weight, I’m more interested in specific proposals and carefully thought-out plans for progress.

Still this convention speaks of long-awaited maturity for the American people. As Hillary said of her run as a woman, “We didn’t break the glass ceiling, but there are 18 million cracks in it!”

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