(The rubble remains pretty much where
earthquakes have left the pieces.)
On this trip to Greece to find Paul the apostle, and better understand his life purpose, I wonder if Paul had been an athlete. He shows his respect for runners by frequently using racing metaphors.
I’m impressed that he refused to be shackled to his past. If anyone had a past to regret, it was Paul. As Saul, he mercilessly persecuted Jesus’ followers, even stood by approving Stephen’s death by stoning.
But Paul was so busy going forward with his Christ mission that he couldn’t indulge the past. He refused to let regrets or remorse anchor his life purpose in the murky waters of what happened last week, or three years ago.
He writes to the Philippians, “I keep going on to try to win the prize for which Christ Jesus has already won me to himself.” Modestly, he continues, “Of course, brothers, I do not think that I have already won it; the one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize…” (Today’s English version)
Rejecting the temptation to dwell in the past is an apt beginning for Paul appreciation. Most of us on this tour have, for two weeks, left behind friends, family, careers, responsibilities, not to mention time zones.
Every person in our group is facing forward -- with anticipation and good cheer. Missing our flight from Paris to Athens (due to an influx of travelers at the passport checkpoint, and a minimum of official checkers) produced not a single grumble or complaint. This collective expectant attitude constitutes a good start.
I wonder if I can resolve to be as committed to the good of the moment as Paul. My life mission is not likely to be as world-shaking as his. Yet can I be as consistently aware of my own purpose to also love with God’s unconditional love? To shake up that part of the world my life does touch with this incredible love?
And why not! Valuing God’s love for each of us, this moment, is everyone’s present opportunity.
By the way, for those who may be interested, this tour was hosted and led by http://www.biblicaltravels.com/
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