The senses are useful. They help us enjoy life – tasty things such as sweet strawberries, or blueberry pie, or a favorite soup. Through the senses we enjoy music and art. They also alert us to danger.

Yet they don’t always tell the truth. For instance in the railroad tracks photo two illusions leap out at us. An amazingly large moon hovers over parallel tracks that appear to meet in the distance beyond the photo.
In the other moonrise photo, below – how immense the moon appears.
Experience tells us that the moon doesn’t change size, that the tracks remain forever parallel. In fact the photos may have been fiddled with to give these special effects. We process what-appears-to-be-true and reject it for our contrary knowledge of what is really true so quickly, we don’t even think about it.

It’s helpful to participate in all of life with a willingness to step back and reassess what’s valid. If we accepted the illusion of converging tracks as reality, we’d never get on the train. If we believe that health for instance, is solely dependent on matter, we become restricted to what matter allows and permits.
If there’s a higher source of health, say God, or Truth, or Spirit, our whole life perspective begins to enlarge. The fetters of matter-based being start to fall away. Spiritual laws of Life find a place in our thinking, and somewhere an intuition kicks in that says there’s way more to life that the human senses are able to tell us.
What if the things we see are actually made of things we don’t see? So that where any material object appears to be, right there is really a solid spiritual fact expressing itself. And the spiritual fact is what’s true, what can be depended on.
The way this plays out for me is that anything negative or discouraging, can usually be traced to the limitations of believing matter is a reality, even a law-maker. Whatever is good and hopeful can be traced to that higher power called Mind or Truth. And that’s proving to be a good source for finding out what’s really true.
It is the province of spiritual sense to govern man.
Spiritual sense is a conscious, constant capacity to understand God.
Spiritual ideas lead up to their divine origin, God,
and to the spiritual sense of being.
Mary Baker Eddy
You must not judge
according to the appearance of things,
But by the reality!
Phillips Modern English
But by the reality!
Phillips Modern English
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