Jan 11, 2008

Twinkies and a generous heart

Someone sent this email story. It's a simple reminder that God can enter our lives in many ways when we are willing.

Although this encounter was clearly written about an earlier era when parents would not be alarmed if their children spent a day in the park with a stranger, the message is timeless. An honest act of generosity and acceptance can fill another's whole day with joy. And the blessing can, and should, be mutual.

A little boy wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with Twinkies and a six-pack of root beer and he started his journey.

Three blocks away, he met an old man sitting in the park, just staring at some pigeons. The boy sat down next to him and opened his suitcase. He noticed the old man looking hungry, so he offered him a Twinkie. He gratefully accepted and smiled at the boy.

His smile so lit up his face that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer. Again, the man smiled and the boy was delighted. They sat most of the day, smiling and eating, and never saying a word.

As the shadows lengthened, the boy realized it was getting late, and he needed to go home, so he got up to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around and ran back to give the old man a hug. It was then that he received the biggest smile ever and felt the strongest, gentlest hug he'd ever received.

As he entered his home his mother asked, "What did you do today that makes you so happy? You're simply beaming!"

"I had lunch with God. You know what? He has the most beautiful smile I ever saw!"

Meanwhile, the old man was returning to his shelter, radiant with joy. Staffers noticed the look of peace and contentment on his face. "Where have you been; what have you done?" they asked.

And his answer was, "I ate Twinkies in the park with God. You know, he's much younger than I expected."


Anonymous said...

I just love this story!!
And I love your new photo - you look mah-velous!

Anonymous said...

I just love this story!!
And I love your new photo - you look mah-velous!